SEO and Digital Marketing FAQs

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This is the amount of time and resources that Google and other search engines devote to crawling a site is commonly called the site's crawl budget.
A site's HTML structure and architecture play a huge role towards a site's crawl budget. Oranky's HTML and architecture analysis process take into account crucial factors that influence this specific budget simply by identifies the site structure and functioanl aspects that influnce crawlers.

Oranky weighs the overall site architecure againts a typical search engine crawl budget taking into account the crawl rate limit and crawl health in particular whilst also makeing recommendations on organic optimization strategy that could improve ranking, inbound marketing and drives traffic.
Oranky takes advantage of rigorous Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms to conduct thorough content analysis of a site. Recognizing the role and function of key word phrases on SEO, it then identifies the site's compelling keyword phrases; plans a simple content strategy based on insights obtained from the analysis process; and creates a simple content strategy giving your business a competitive advangage over your competitors.
The SEO audit report is compiled in a manner that is accurate and geared to customer's satisfaction. After carefully auditing your site or cloud environment, we document the most critical factors in the following manner.